P- Laser, manufacturer of laser cleaning systems.

Erlanger Lasertechnik GmbH, machine builders and jobshop for hardening, cladding, brazing, welding and cutting.
GTV Verschleiss-Schutz GmbH, manufacturer and provider of powder feeders and thermal spray equipment
Precitec Optronik GmbH, manufacturer and solution provider of non-contact optical measuring technology. Precitec Optronik is sister company of Precitec GmbH, manufacturer and provider of laser cutting and welding heads
IC Automation


images/A0001_AILU.gif Association of Industrial Laser Users, UK
images/A0002_ILT.gif Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology, Germany
images/A0003_IPT.gif Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology, Germany
University College Dublin, Advanced Manufacturing Science Research Centre, AMSRC Group
Lairdside (Liverpool) Laser Engineering Centre, UK
National Centre for Laser Applications
photonics21.org – The European Technology Platform for Photonics. This is a voluntary association of industrial enterprises and other stakeholders in the field of phtonics across Europe. The site offers news and events on current and topical photonics-related issues.